Daily Habits to Keep a House Clean and Tidy
Sometimes we are not inspired to keep our home clean and tidy. It’s hard to form good habits and keep a formula to keep everything nice and clean.
Some find it easy to keep their home neat and clean. Then there are the rest of us and we can get our life together one step at a time.
Keeping up with daily house chores can be hard, especially if you work all day or have kids at home. It doesn’t have to take up all our time. I believe it is more about daily habits.
Daily Habits to Keep the House Clean
Keep Cleaning Supplies Close By
We keep each bathroom stocked with the essentials and everything else is under the kitchen sink. Keeping things stocked and on hand will help make house cleaning much easier. This helps you grab what you need and get something done right away.
Make the Bed
You may think you don’t have time for this, but it really does make a room look cleaner. It will start the day off well and climbing into a made bed can make for a more restful nights sleep. Honestly it takes me one minute to make my bed. At the most it will probably only take two minutes out of your morning. If it is taking longer, eliminate some pillows.
One Load of Laundry a Day
Of course, this depends on the size of your family and maybe how many articles of clothing you own. For us, I have my favorite workout clothes and my husband has work clothes. I do a load of laundry every other day to keep up on this chore. I wash, dry and iron.
Put a load in 1st thing in the morning and put it in the dryer when you get home. You could also pu it in the machine before work and run a load when you get home.
Don’t Be a Perfectionist
You don’t have to have it magazine perfect. You do have to live life in your home. You don’t have to get every detail or do major spring cleaning. We still need to do those things, but we are just talking about daily up keep here.
Write down 2 or 3 realistic goals for each day. Prioritize what you want done the most and have a ‘must do’ list.
Do a Nightly 10 Minute Tidy Up
A nightly habit isn’t such a bad idea. Put on a timer or stick to your ‘must do’ list. If you have kids at home, they can do the same to their rooms. Make it a game for the whole family. Do dishes and wipe up the kitchen and get the coffee ready for morning. Run a vacuum for 10 minutes. Fold the laundry you ran earlier in the day. Wipe down the bathroom. A lot can get done in 10 minutes.
Listen to an audio book or podcast while cleaning up. Turn on your favorite playlist on Spotify and do some dancing along the way to make it more fun to clean up.
Keeping your home clutter free will help cut down on the amount of time needed to keep it clean. Having a spot for everything and less items on the counters will make cleaning easier. Developer a system that works for you and keep up on chores.
Tidy people don’t have many knick knacks to clean and dust. Keep your home decor simple. You might like my How To DeClutter Your Home post to help you get started with a clutter free home.
If you are looking for a Simple Living lifestyle, start here with Ways to Start a Simple Living Journey. Life does become easier when we are more organized and decluttered.
What is the hardest thing for you to tackle? What motivates you to keep going? I would love to know. It will help me to know what you want to see on my blog.