Vacation Time
We love to go on trips. Sometimes alone together and sometimes with our entire family. We do enjoy camping and traveling to Mesquite, NV. So I want to provide you with an idea for your trips and grab some one on one time with grandkids. Vacation time can be just you or you and your spouse, your entire family or invite one grandchild at a time.
Invite one (or maybe two) grandchildren on a rotating basis to join you on a day trip or a week long adventure. Let them know in advance that they will have an assignment of researching the history of the attraction or area. Then you can have a discussion about what they are learning during the trip.
Scenic Vacation
A scenic vacation provides an opportunity to give kids an appreciation of the world around us. It gives them a way to see animals, plant life, climate differences and the terrain in different areas of the country or world. So no matter where you visit, they can see and experience God’s creation all around them.
You could go camping, fishing, swimming, canoeing, hiking or biking. It doesn’t have to always be a big city, though they have a ton around them to see. There is history to learn in cities and in the country. The purpose is for them to learn and you to be able to have bonding experiences. You will even be surprised how much the younger children will remember these memories years from now. I have fond memories of my grandparents still to this day. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant. Just make memories!
Long-Distance Variation
Maybe you live in a different area than your grandchildren. If you are long distance with them, here is a variation you can do. When you visit each child’s home have them plan an activity or conduct some research. You can enjoy an outing for the day and they can teach you something about their own special area in which they live.
I hope you find the privilege of traveling to different places and learning new things with your grandchildren. Enjoy the educational experience and have fun. You will have a bond between you and them that will grow stronger through these activities.